"Time Toys" feature film
Co-Producer/ Production Manager |
Directed by Mark Rosman (Cinderella Story)
Starring Ed Begley Jr. (Ghostbusters), Greg Germann (Ally McBeal), Mackenzie Aladjem (Nurse Jackie) Griffin Cleveland (The Gambler) , J.J. Totah (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Jaden Betts (Scandal) |
"Most Likely To Die" feature film
Production Manager |
Distributed by MarVista Entertainment
Starring Heather Morris (Glee), Jake Busey (Starship Troopers) and Perez Hilton Special Effects by Gary Tunnicliffe (X-Men Origins: Wolverine) |
"Expendable Assets" feature film
Producer |
Starring: Jake Busey, Ted McGinley